Monday, December 18, 2017

Four Hates Party Formed

A new political party has been born in Myanmar, with the formation of the Four Hates party by Ko Ko Gyi, a former democracy activist turned neo-Nazi.

“We are united in our four hates,” said Ko Ko Gyi. “Hate Bengali so-called Rohingya, hate all Muslims, hate foreigners who go on about human rights, and hate the NLD for rejecting me as a candidate. We think many people in Myanmar share these hates and we will win many seats in the next election.”

Asked about policies, Ko Ko Gyi dismissed suggestions his party should have a clear political platform. “In the true Myanmar political tradition, I formed this party because I want to be leader, not to be stuck in an office working out policies. Now at last I am the leader! Have you any idea how it felt being overshadowed by Min Ko Naing all those years?”

The formation of the new party received a mixed reception on social media, which has already dubbed it the shit party. One commented: “Oh great, another right wing nationalist party, just what we need.” Another commented, “Leute, stehe auf und stürm, los!”

An NLD spokesperson told Burma Tha Din, “It is learned that some people want to form a new political party but we have not decided whether to allow it. We will not allow internal destructive elements or ax handles in our country, but they did force out their Muslim member so this is a good sign.”